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Automotive Analysis

Our Forensic Automotive Engineers specialize in determining automotive systems contributed to a loss.

Expert in this field
Benjamin T. Ensor

EFI Global - USA
Sr. Forensic Engineer/Team Lead– Vehicle Forensic Team

T: 281-358-4441

We employ automotive experts, mechanical and electrical engineers, and investigators specially trained to handle your automotive claims. We have developed systematic vehicle inspection methods which assure that important facts are discovered — and reported to the client.

On-site examination of automotive, marine, heavy equipment or other vehicles can be handled by our investigators located strategically throughout the United States and can be supported by our team of forensic automotive engineers.

Single Vehicle Wrecks – Single vehicle wrecks are a common event. In many of these wrecks a driver says that the car went out of control because of a mechanical defect in the steering, brakes, suspension or throttle.

EFI Global can answer the question of whether or not a defect that could have caused the reported wreck is actually present in the vehicle.

Theft and Lock Examination – A growing number of vehicle thefts are reported each year – some legitimate, some fraudulent. Did the claim occur as reported or was it manufactured?

At EFI Global, forensic automotive engineers can perform detailed lock examinations to determine whether or not there is evidence that security devices were compromised, manipulated, picked or by-passed.

Armed with the results of our analyses, you can evaluate legitimate and fraudulent claims with more certainty and effectiveness than ever before.

Soft Tissue Claims – Substantial medical claims after minor vehicle accidents are a growing challenge for the insurance industry. Addressing this challenge requires cost-effective technical support to distinguish those wrecks with injury-producing potential from those without.

EFI Global offers affordable technical evaluation of minor-impact vehicle collisions while providing the involved parties the same convenient service to which they have grown accustomed with drive-in claims handling. We can perform all necessary inspections, measurements and photographs needed for your claim.

Vehicular Accident Reconstruction – Our engineers can scientifically determine the actual facts of a vehicular collision when there are: discrepancies in the witness accounts, vital liability questions that cannot be answered by witnesses or a witness who is possibly attempting to defraud an insurance carrier.

Infotainment & Event Data Recorder (EDR) Download-Vehicles hold a vast amount of data that can be used to uncover critical information during an investigation and help determine what happened, where it occurred and who was involved. EFI can help access, disassemble and remove this crucial data for download from infotainment systems including EDR downloads on passenger and heavy vehicles.

Laboratory and Field Inspection – Inspections and analysis are offered for all sizes of equipment including small household appliances. We want to work with you to provide the most cost-effective service possible. For example, it is often more cost effective to ship small items to our laboratory, while our engineers can perform inspections on large items at the loss site.

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