During his 35-year career as a Forensic Scientist, Scott has been court qualified in several District Courts and Federal Court in Southwest Alabama as an expert in the areas of fire debris analysis, crime scene, paint analysis, glass analysis, impression evidence, lamp filament examination: fracture matching, firearm examination and tool mark examination. He most recently was court qualified as an expert in South Carolina’s Richland County Judicial Court.
Scott retired from the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences as the Mobile Regional Laboratory Director. During his tenure as the Laboratory Director, his laboratory was ASCLAD/LAB accredited in 2003 and 2008. In 2013, the Mobile Laboratory was again accredited by ASCLAD/LAB as well as achieving ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. His responsibilities included the day-to-day operation and assuring quality processes and upholding the fair, objective application of science in disciplines of Forensic Biology, Firearm & Tool Mark Examinations, Medical Examiner, Death Investigation and Forensic Drug Chemistry. Scott was employed with the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences from May 5, 1988, to January 1, 2014.
As a bench scientist, Scott’s forensic career started as a Trace Evidence Examiner. He was trained and certified on July 1, 1990, by the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences to conduct independent examinations on evidence in the area of Fire Debris Analysis, Impression Evidence, Lamp Filament Examination, Paint Analysis, Glass Analysis, Crime Scene and Fracture Matching. During his tenure as a Trace Evidence Examiner, his primary case work was Fire Debris Analysis making up 80% of his case load.
Scott was queried to transfer from the Trace Evidence Discipline to the Firearm & Tool Mark Discipline due to consolidation within the department. He was trained and certified on December 22, 1997, by the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences to conduct independent examinations of Firearm & Tool Mark evidence.
He is a retired sworn state police officer. He attended and successfully completed the Southwest Alabama Police Academy Peace Officers Standards and Training on November 22, 1988.
For last eight years, Scott has operated the EFI Global Fire Debris Laboratory. He has handled and analyzed over 16,000 fire debris samples.
Area of Expertise: