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Patrick Barker
Senior Fire Investigator
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Professional Summary
Mr. Barker has over 20 combined years of Fire Service and Law Enforcement experience. 16 years of which have been directly in the field of fire and explosion incident investigations. Mr. Barker is a Certified Fire Investigator through the International Association of Arson Investigators as well as a Certified Fire Explosion / Vehicle Fire Investigator through the National Association of Fire Investigators. Mr. Barker has investigated over 1000 fire scenes that have involved arson investigations, multimillion-dollar losses, complex scene investigations, vehicle fires, and fires involving fatalities. Mr. Barker is a current board member on the North Carolina chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators as well.
Bachelor of Science Forensics, Fire & Arson Investigation, Mountain State University, Beckley, WV
Certified Fire Investigator, International Association of Arson Investigators, # 46-072509
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, National Association of Fire Investigator, # 11042-7946
Pro Board Fire Investigator NFPA 1033-2009, Certificate #997742
Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator, National Association of Fire Investigators
Private Investigator, VA # 99-409983
Private Investigator, NC # 5154
Private Investigator, TN # 7998
Private Investigator, WV # Company License
Private Investigator, SC #RD23303
Private Investigator, GA # PDE051756
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