Craig M. Chonko, PE has been a land development and public works engineer for fifteen years prior to joining EFI Global, Inc. He has helped produce and develop over one hundred projects ranging in size and type from 10-foot diameter pipelines, 45-acre football stadium, Water Master Plan, and redevelopment of Highland Mall for Austin Community College to distribution water lines, small electric substations, and pad site developments. Private and public design projects required Craig’s experience in managing teams of engineers and wading through the City and State regulations pertaining to development including City permitting, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approvals, Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) permits, as well as meeting Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) and Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) to name a few. These design requirements are above and beyond civil engineering design best practices that are required of every professional. Craig is an expert in both land development and public works projects with specific expertise that include the following:
- Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS)
- Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG)
- Integrated Stormwater Management (iSWM)
- Utility Design including Water, Wastewater, Storm Sewer, and Roadways
- Stormwater Detention Facilities
- Erosion Control
- Water and Wastewater City Master Planning
- Large diameter pipeline design
- Entitlement Analysis
- Permitting