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  • Basic Fire Science

    This course will provide the student with the knowledge to understand the principles of how fires initiate, develop and spread. The elements involved in the combustion process will be detailed separately and then collectively in order to understand the requirements for the initiation and spread of fires. Resultant fire patterns and the interpretation of various indicators will aid the students in the thought process involved in determining a fire’s origin.

    CE Credits:  3.0 

  • Fire Investigation, Origin and Cause Determination

    The attendee will obtain knowledge of how to recognize and document potential issues that may arise during the claims process.  In addition, this class will provide information to process fire and subrogation claims that have the potential for an economically beneficial recovery of insurance claims costs through examination for product performance failure, material defect, manufacturing defect, installation error or construction defect.


    CE Credits:  1.0 and 2.0 hours available

  • Basic Fire Science for Fire and Explosion Investigations

    The course will provide the student with basic knowledge to understanding principles of how fires initiate, develop and spread, and the knowledge to understanding how the sciences apply to a fire scene examination.  The elements involved in the combustion process will be detailed separately then collectively in order to understand the requirements for the initiation and spread of fires.  Resultant fire patterns and the interpretation of various indicators will aid the student in the thought process involved in determining a fire’s origin.  The systematic approach to a fire scene investigation based on the scientific method will be detailed to aid the student in understanding the need for a thorough investigation. Students will also participate in live burns of various compartments.  The course will also help insurance adjusters learn the proper steps in issuing an assignment, the necessary information and what to expect out of the investigator and investigation once determination has been made to involve a private origin and cause expert.


    CE Credits:  6.0

  • Basic Vehicle Fire Investigation

    The course will provide the student with basic knowledge to understand how fires initiate, develop and spread within a vehicle. The course allows the student to understand the basic science of fire, including the different fuel and heat sources specific to vehicle fires. The instruction introduces the student to the investigative process of a vehicle fire from the guidelines set forth in NFPA 921. This section discusses interpreting fire patterns, conducting effective interviews and how they relate to determining the accurate fire origin and cause of vehicle fires. The final section allows the students to reinforce the lessons learned with case studies. The case studies allow the students to apply lessons learned to real vehicle fire cases.


    CE Credits:  2.0

  • Fire Investigation Issues

    The purpose of this course is to provide adjusters, SIU personnel, insurance claims professionals and other fire investigators with an overview of basic fire investigation issues, fire scene examination requirements and criteria with which to manage, judge and troubleshoot files.


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Vehicle Fire Examination

    This course will provide students with the basic knowledge to understanding how fires initiate, develop, and spread within a vehicle.  The course allows the student to understand the basic science of fire, including the different fuel and heat sources specific to vehicle fires.


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Finding Recovery in the Ashes

    This course will instruct the student on the importance of a comprehensive fire scene examination for determining the origin and cause of a fire, and identifying a component or third party action that contributed to it.


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Arson Motive

    The motivation and reasoning behind the fire setter determines when, where, how, and why the fire was set. The understanding of motive may give the adjustor or SIU investigator the ability to interpret behavior of the claimant and the damage to the insured property.  The six major categories of arson motive will be defined with description of their manifestations at fire scenes. 


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Introduction to Evidence Handling & Storage

    To instruct the adjuster or claims handler in the importance of the proper preservation, collection, storage, and disposal of evidence.  The class will start with the definition of evidence and the various types. The necessity of trained experts and technicians in the process will be discussed.  The elements of collection, including documentation, packaging, and labeling will be covered, along with proper methods of both transport to a secure facility and the elements of transfer to another location.  The class will move into the basics of proper storage and disposal.  Finally, a discussion of the results of improper evidence preservation, collection, storage, and disposal will end the class, along with a question and answer period.


    CE Credits:  2.0

  • Fire Cause Determination

    This course is designed to teach the student how to apply NFPA 921 in a methodology that
    allows a fire investigator to conduct a thorough fire scene investigation and how fire causes
    are established.


    CE Credits:  2.0

  • CSST & Lightning Caused Fires

    This program is designed to introduce the attendee to the problems associated with Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST), lightning strikes and resulting house fires. These fires have been occurring for many years and continue to occur. The attendee will learn the history of the product, see how it compares in costs and installation to historical fuel gas delivery methods and see several case histories of fires caused by lightning that energizes CSST that then arcs with other metals used in home construction. The attendee will see the evidence left behind such arcs, which melts holes in the CSST that releases gas in the presence of the electrical arc resulting in ignition. Most importantly, the attendee will see that a fire caused by this event may be an act of God but may also hold a recovery potential through subrogation action against both the manufacturers and those involved in the product installation.


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Live Fire Demonstration(Live Burn)

     Insurance adjusters are often the first people to observe a fire scene after the loss is reported.  Being able to recognize the important elements present at a fire scene can prevent those elements from being destroyed or lost.  Observations related to potential insurance fraud will be illustrated and discussed. This course is a practical demonstration using a burn cell stocked as a room in an occupied house. The course will illustrate fire initiation and growth with legacy versus modern furnishings. It will also demonstrate the difference in fire growth between a fire ignited in common combustibles and one ignited using an accelerant.  The class will also feature a grease fire put out using water, which graphically shows the need to put out a grease fire safely and avoid the extreme hazard of using water. 

    After completion of the class, the student will acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities related to:  Observations and elements that have subrogation potential; Indicators that a scene may have been altered by the insured prior to the fire.  Fire growth and rate of spread in different materials to compare with the timeline provided by the insured during the initial interview by the adjustor. Observation of basic fire patterns and the importance of protecting them prior to the examination of the origin and cause investigator.


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Wildfire Investigations for the Insurance Industry

    Course Objective:  Insurance adjusters do not often deal with the devastation and large scale of loss that accompanies most wildland fires.  The process of investigation; the cause, origin, and spread of a wildland fire, is totally different than an average house fire.  The class objective is to show the methodology of the investigation and the different players that the adjuster must deal with in these claims.  In doing so, the class will cover the history of the wildland fire problem, the politics involved, and why fires are becoming more prevalent and destructive.  In doing so, the insurance adjuster will understand the much different people, standards, and processes.  The class then progresses to the actual methodology and methods involved in determining the cause of a wildland fire, which show the different complexity of wildland fire investigations.


    CE Credits:  1.0

  • Arc Mapping for Origin

    The purpose of this course is to provide participants with an understanding of arc mappings value and utility as an investigative tool.   Participants will learn how to use electrical arcing to determine a fire’s area of origin.


    CE Credits:  1.0

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