Email Michael Miller
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Tampa Service Center
3030 N. Rocky Point Drive West
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Mr. Miller has over 27 years of law enforcement investigation experience, 9 years of fire service obtaining the rank of District Fire Chief. As a fire investigator he has investigated over 1,250 fires and post-blast incidents both in the public and private sectors involving heavy equipment, vehicles, vessels, residential, and commercial properties to include fatality fires. Mr. Miller has experience in disciplines including investigations, fire and post-blast investigations, mass-fatality incident response, hazardous materials, marine and underwater investigations. He has extensive training in hazardous materials, origin and cause, arson, and post-blast investigations as well as fatal fire investigations.
Mr. Miller has received training and is certified by the Florida State Fire College and tested as a Fire Investigator 1 & 2; he is certified through the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) as a Certified Fire Investigator (CFI), the International Association of Marine Investigators (IAMI) and has been tested as a Certified Marine Investigator (CMI); through the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI), has tested and been certified as a Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator (CFEI) and Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI). Meeting the requirements of NFPA 1033 for Fire Investigations, he is recognized by the National Pro Board as a Fire Investigator. He also holds certifications as a Police Diver through the National Academy of Police Divers (Miami, Florida) and has specialized training in Underwater Crime Scene Investigations through the Florida State University. Mr. Miller is a certified Law Enforcement Instructor, instructing Hazardous Materials Awareness Level Training, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Fire-Related Crimes and National Incident Management Training to Law Enforcement and Correctional Officer recruits at the George Stone Technical College, in Pensacola, Florida. Mr. Miller previously held a certification as a Florida State Fire College Fire Instructor, instructing fire, law enforcement, and other criminal justice services personnel on Origin and Cause and Arson Investigations through the Kirk’s Fire Investigation Curriculum, NFPA 921 and NFPA 1033. Mr. Miller holds Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana Private Investigators licenses and has over nine years’ experience as a private fire investigator. Mr. Miller testified in Criminal and Civil trials in Federal and State Court Proceedings in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. His experience includes fire and post-blast investigations, heavy equipment fire investigations, homicide investigations, marine investigations, evidence identification and collection, joint scene examinations, interviewing, and subrogation. Mr. Miller is also certificated as a remote sUAS/Drone Pilot through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Georgia Private Detective, License #PDE051812
FAA 107-Rewmote Pilot Certification, Certificate #44340
Private Investigator, LSBPIE, Louisiana, License #9331-050418-LA
Private Investigator, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida, License # C1400005
Certified Marine Investigator, International Association of Marine Investigators; # 03993-163
Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator, National Association of Fire Investigators, #17379-10633v
Fire Investigator, National Pro Board (NBFSPQ), Certificate #356666
Certified Fire Investigator, International Association of Arson Investigators, #09-100646
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, National Association of Fire Investigators, # 17379-10633
Hazardous Materials Technician, Center for Disaster Preparedness/Depart of Homeland Security
Fire Investigator II - Division of State Fire Marshal; Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training; Certificate # 159052
Fire Investigator I - Division of State Fire Marshal; Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training; Certificate # 159026
Florida Law Enforcement Instructor, Florida Department of Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Standards & Training
Underwater Crime Scene Investigator, Florida State University, Panama City, Florida
Certified Police Diver, National Academy of Police Divers, Miami, Florida
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