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Gary Nickerson
Senior Fire Investigator
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Professional Summary
Gary Nickerson retired from the Olathe Kansas Fire Department with over 32 years of experience in public service including fire suppression, hazmat, fire code inspections, fire investigations and law enforcement. In his final position as the Senior Captain in the Fire Marshal’s office, he supervised 3 full-time inspectors/investigators. Additional duties included commercial plan reviews, commercial inspections and public education for a city of 130,000. Mr. Nickerson joined EFI Global in 2015 as a fire investigator and subsequentially was promoted to Senior Fire Investigator in 2018. Mr. Nickerson has investigated over 800 fires representing the City of Olathe, major insurance companies, subrogation firms and individuals. He has testified as an expert in both criminal and civilian courts.
Associate of Arts, Fire Service Administration, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kansas (1994)
Certified Fire Investigator, IAAI, #07-102114
Certified Fire Investigator, Missouri, #15-028
Licensed Private Detective, Kansas #D-5659
Licensed Private Fire Investigator, Missouri #2015012336
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